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ATAC is a Vancouver-based exploration company focused on exploring for gold in Yukon and Nevada and has enjoyed numerous early-stage gold and base metal discoveries.

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Canadian mineral development company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. Specializes in critical metals and minerals with growing demand in new technology. Avalon has five critical minerals project across Canada, providing investors with exposure to lithium, rare earths, cesium, tantalum, feldspars, tin and indium.

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Banyan Gold is focused on advancing two Yukon gold properties, Aurmac and the Hyland Gold Project. Alongside their multi-million-ounce gold, they have a management team with a track record of success.

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Services include: prospecting, claim-staking, report writing, GIS ArcMap10, organizing and supervising jobs, mapping, rock sampling, soil/stream sediment/MMI sampling, geo-technical work with drill core, etc.

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Blende Silver is focused on Zn-Pb-Ag project acquisition, exploration and development in Yukon and the N.W.T.